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Car Floor Mats

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Whether rubber or cloth, clean car floor mats will give your vehicle a new, fresh look.

No matter how careful you are to keep the inside of your car squeaky clean, dirt builds up and spills happen. Having a set of napkins or wet wipes on hand can help clean up messes as they occur, but it takes a little more effort to get back that new-car vibe. Easily spruce up your car’s interior by letting us give the floor mats a thorough cleaning.

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The floor of your car receives more of the grime that sticks to the bottom of your shoes than any other. It’s also subject to spilled food and drinks, as well as loose debris from pockets, bags, boxes, and whatever else travels in and out of your car. Both rubber and cloth floor mats gradually retain residue. After clearing your car of any objects littering the floor, give your car a mini makeover by having us clean the floor mats for you! Just drop them off at the store and we can have them cleaned and ready for a fresh new look.

Image by Андрей Постовой


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